Social media policy

Sway recognises the paramount importance of social media in effectively communicating with our valued customers, vigorously promoting our unparalleled services, and fervently engaging with the vibrant community we serve. Our comprehensive Social Media Policy ("Policy") meticulously delineates the precise guidelines, expectations, and standards governing the conscientious use of social media platforms by all employees and designated representatives of Sway.

Areas covered
Representing Sway, Personal use of social media, Interaction with customers, Professional conduct, Compliance with policies, Enforcement

Social Media Policy

1) Representing Sway

  • When posting on social media, employees should reflect the brand values and tone of Sway. Posts should be professional, respectful, and aligned with our company's mission and values.

  • Employees should ensure that information shared on social media platforms is accurate and up-to-date. They should refrain from posting false or misleading information that could damage the reputation of Sway.

2) Personal use of social media

  • While employees are free to use social media for personal purposes, they should exercise discretion and avoid posting content that could reflect negatively on Sway or its stakeholders.

  • Employees should not disclose confidential or proprietary information about Sway, its customers, or business partners on social media platforms. This includes sensitive information such as financial data, trade secrets, and customer information.

3) Interaction with customers

  • Employees should respond promptly to customer inquiries, comments, or complaints received through social media channels. Responses should be polite, helpful, and aimed at resolving customer issues in a timely manner.

  • Employees should respect the privacy of customers and refrain from requesting or sharing personal information publicly on social media platforms. Any customer inquiries requiring personal information should be directed to private communication channels.

4) Professional conduct

  • Employees should engage in respectful and constructive interactions with others on social media platforms, regardless of differing opinions or perspectives. Harassment, discrimination, or offensive language will not be tolerated.

  • Employees should avoid engaging in discussions or promoting products or services that could create a conflict of interest with Sway or its stakeholders. They should disclose any affiliations or relationships that could be perceived as biased or influencing their posts.

5) Compliance with policies

  • Employees are expected to comply with all applicable company policies, including this Social Media Policy, as well as relevant laws and regulations governing the use of social media.

6) Enforcement

  • Sway may monitor employee activity on social media platforms to ensure compliance with this Policy and address any violations or concerns that may arise.

  • Violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, depending on the severity of the offence and the impact on Sway or its stakeholders.