Passenger code of conduct policy

At Sway, we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable transportation experience for all passengers. Our Passenger Code of Conduct ("Code") outlines the expectations and standards of behaviour for passengers using our platform. By booking rides and using our services, passengers agree to abide by the terms of this Code.

Areas covered
Respect for drivers, Safety, Respect for property, Compliance with policies, Zero tolerance policy,

Passenger Code of Conduct Policy

1) Respect for drivers

  • Passengers must treat drivers with respect and courtesy at all times. This includes refraining from using offensive language, making derogatory remarks, or engaging in any behaviour that may be considered disrespectful.

  • Passengers must comply with reasonable requests and instructions from drivers. This includes following safety instructions, such as wearing seat belts and refraining from smoking or consuming alcohol in the vehicle.

2) Safety

  • Passengers must wear seat belts while riding in the vehicle, as required by law. Seat belts help protect passengers in the event of an accident and are a vital safety precaution.

  • Passengers must refrain from distracting the driver or interfering with their ability to operate the vehicle safely. This includes refraining from loud or disruptive behaviour, playing loud music, or engaging in activities that may distract the driver.

3) Respect for property

  • Passengers must respect the vehicle and its contents while riding. This includes avoiding damaging or defacing the vehicle, littering, or leaving behind personal belongings after the ride.

  • Passengers are responsible for their personal belongings while riding. Sway is not liable for any lost or damaged items left in the vehicle.

4) Compliance with policies

  • By booking a ride and using our services, passengers agree to comply with all applicable policies and terms of service set forth by Sway, including this Passenger Code of Conduct.

  • Passengers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and licensing requirements governing the use of transportation services. This includes refraining from engaging in any illegal activities while riding.

5) Zero tolerance policy

  • Any passenger found to be in violation of this Code or engaged in behaviour that threatens the safety or comfort of others may be subject to removal from the Sway platform.

  • Discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the platform.