Complaints handling policy

At Sway, we are committed to providing high-quality transportation services to our users. We take complaints seriously and strive to address them promptly and fairly. This Complaints Handling Policy ("Policy") outlines our procedures for receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints from users or stakeholders.

Areas covered
Complaint submission, Receipt and acknowledgement, Investigation and resolution, Escalation process, Confidentiality and privacy, Record keeping, Feedback and continuous improvement

Complaints Handling Policy

1) Complaint submission

  • Complaints may be submitted through various channels, including our website, mobile application, customer support hotline, or email.

  • To facilitate the investigation of complaints, individuals may be required to provide relevant details, such as their name, contact information, ride details (if applicable), and a description of the issue.

2) Receipt and acknowledgement

  • We acknowledge receipt of complaints promptly upon receipt and provide an estimated timeframe for resolving the issue.

  • We maintain open communication with complainants throughout the investigation process, providing updates on the status of their complaint and any actions taken.

3) Investigation and resolution

  • We conduct a thorough investigation of each complaint, gathering relevant information and assessing the circumstances to determine the appropriate course of action.

  • We aim to resolve complaints in a timely and fair manner, taking appropriate corrective action as necessary to address the issues raised by the complainant.

4) Escalation process

  • If a complaint cannot be resolved at the initial stage, it may be escalated to a higher level of management or to a dedicated complaints handling team for further review.

  • If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they may request a review of the decision through our appeals process.

5) Confidentiality and privacy

  • We treat all complaints with confidentiality and respect the privacy of complainants, as well as the individuals involved in the complaint resolution process.

  • We handle personal information collected during the complaints handling process in accordance with our Data Protection Policy and applicable data protection laws.

6) Record keeping

  • We maintain records of all complaints received, including details of the complaint, actions taken, and outcomes, for the purpose of tracking and monitoring complaint trends and improving our services.

7) Feedback and continuous improvement

  • We welcome feedback from complainants on our complaints handling process and use it to identify areas for improvement and implement corrective measures.