Accessibility policy

Sway is committed to providing accessible transportation services to all individuals, including those with disabilities. We strive to ensure that our platform and services are inclusive and accommodating to the diverse needs of our customers. However, we acknowledge that there may be limitations in the availability of suitable vehicles for individuals with certain accessibility requirements.

Areas covered
Service provision, Alternative solutions, Continuous improvement, Compliance with regulations

Accessibility Policy

1) Service provision

  • We endeavour to provide accessible transportation options for individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair-accessible vehicles, where available.

  • Due to factors such as vehicle availability and geographic location, we may not always be able to accommodate specific accessibility needs, especially in areas where suitable vehicles are limited.

2) Alternative solutions

  • In cases where we are unable to provide accessible transportation directly, we may refer individuals to alternative transportation providers or community resources that offer specialised services for individuals with disabilities.

  • Our customer support team is available to assist individuals with disabilities in finding alternative transportation solutions and addressing any specific needs or concerns they may have.

3) Continuous improvement

  • We welcome feedback from customers, including those with disabilities, on ways to improve the accessibility of our services. We use this feedback to identify areas for enhancement and explore opportunities to expand accessibility options.

  • We actively seek partnerships with organisations and service providers that specialise in accessible transportation to improve the availability of suitable vehicles and services for individuals with disabilities.

4) Compliance with regulations

  • We comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing accessibility in the United Kingdom.